Title IX/Sexual Misconduct
Illinois Central College is dedicated to maintaining a safe and healthy educational and employment environment that is free from actual or perceived discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual misconduct on the basis of sex, which includes sexual orientation or gender-related identity.
We are committed to ensuring a safe campus climate for all of our students and the entire College community. Through a comprehensive compliance program, we promote fundamental rights, advance individual and institutional integrity, and uphold the vital aims of Title IX.
Illinois Central College has implemented its Sex Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct and Title IX policies and procedures to ensure a safe and healthy educational and employment environment, and meet legal requirements in accordance with:
- Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in the College’s programs or activities;
- Relevant sections of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in employment;
- Relevant sections of the Illinois Human Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex or sexual orientation, including gender-related identity;
- The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, which requires timely warning to the community of certain immediate threats; and the Illinois Preventing Sexual Violence in Higher Education Act.
- Read our Procedures Implementing the College’s Policy Prohibiting Sex Discrimination.
- View the results of the Illinois Board of Higher Education Sexual Misconduct Climate Survey 2024.
Report a Violation
You can report sexual misconduct, harassment or a Title IX violation using this form. You may choose to keep information confidential.
Read Our Policies & Procedures
Review ICC’s formal standard policies and procedures regarding any sex discrimination, sex based misconduct and Title IX violations.
Review How We Train Our Employees
You may review the Title IX and Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Illinois Central College Employees materials.
If You Are in Crisis
Students experiencing a mental health crisis situation such as suicidal ideation or sexual assault while on campus should immediately contact the Illinois Central College Counseling office at (309) 694-5281 or come to Room CC 201 to be seen by a personal counselor. If the mental health emergency happens outside of the ICC Counseling office hours or off campus, students may contact:
- ICC Campus Police: (309) 694-5111
- Off Campus Police Emergencies: 911
- Peoria County Emergency response Services (ERS): (309) 671-8084
- Tazewell County Emergency response Services (ERS): (309) 347-1148
- Suicide & Crisis Hotline: (309) 673-7373
How to Report Sexual Misconduct
Individuals may choose to seek action or assistance both on-campus as well as through external resources. Additional or interim remedies may also be provided concurrently and/or in lieu of an investigation or formal process.
Types of reporting available to you at the College:
- Confidential Reporting in which your identity is kept confidential (with few exceptions) by the Employee Assistance Program (for employees) or through a Confidential Advisor at the Counseling Center at ICC.
- Use the Complaint Form to pursue the College’s investigation and resolution process (this means your identity may be known to the Responding Party).
- File a police report with Campus Police.
Student Procedure Flowchart
View our flowchart on the student reporting procedure.
Victim Resources & Contact
The Sexual Assault Response Team, or SART, is a standing team that serves the college and community by providing support for survivors/victims of sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, and stalking on campus, by developing appropriate education and training opportunities for students and staff, and by working with campus and community law enforcement and service providers to jointly serve as the community task force specified in state mandate 110 ILCS 12/10 for the purpose of “improving coordination between community leaders and service providers to prevent sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking and to ensure a coordinated response both in terms of law enforcement and survivor/victim services.”
If you or a friend has been a victim of sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, and/or stalking, please call SART at (309) 694-8460. We can assist you with resources and on campus advocacy to help you through this trauma. Below are community, state, and national resources that can provide you with services and/or information in regards to sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, and/or stalking.
If you are the victim of a crime, please review your rights and options. -
Counseling Services
If you are a student going through a tough time, we’re here to help. Our free counseling services offer individual and group support with professionally trained counselors. Visit Mental Health and Wellness to learn more.
- More Resources and Education
- Know Your Rights: Pregnant or Parenting
The Title IX Coordinator can provide information regarding campus policy, interim remedies, and the confidential and non-confidential procedures for reporting an incident. For any sex discrimination, sexual misconduct and Title IX related concerns, contact:
Title IX Coordinator
East Peoria Campus, Academic Building, 338CCounseling Coordinator