Purchasing Department
The Purchasing Department manages the expenditures of all college funds to achieve the maximum value per dollar spent. Illinois Central College’s purchasing procedures are consistent with the Illinois Public Community College Act and represent the intentions and goals of its Board of Trustees.
Current Solicitations
APC Symmetra Warranty Renewal Bid
Due: Monday, February 3, 2025 at 3:30 PM CST
Class A Sleeper Tractor Bid
Due: Friday, February 7, 2025 at 9:00 AM CST in CC102
In an effort to improve service and ease of public disclosure, Illinois Central College will be utilizing BidNet Direct’s Illinois Purchasing Group to post solicitation documents. This system will provide you convenient online access to view current, past (beginning 3/1/2020) and awarded bids, RFQ and RFP documents, addendum, and bid specific Q&As. There is no charge to register- simply select the “Limited Access” option and you can view all solicitations and automatically receive matching bid notifications and alerts from ICC. If you need any assistance registering or using the platform, please call BidNet’s Support Team at 800-835-4603
If you are not a BEP-Certified company and plan to submit a proposal or bid on a project, we encourage you to subcontract a portion of the work with a BEP-Certified firm. Use the Utilization Plan to demonstrate mutual participation or Good Faith Effort and/or to request a waiver. BEP Good Faith Efforts Guidance.
All proposals can either be submitted on the College’s BidNet page or emailed to [email protected].
Vendor Diversity
ICC recognizes the importance of increasing the participation of businesses owned by minorities, females and persons with disabilities in public contracts. It is the College’s policy to promote the economic development of business owned by minorities, females and persons with disabilities as outlined by the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Females and Persons with Disabilities Act, 30 ILCS 575/0.01 et seq.
In addition, the ICC Purchasing department would encourage you to visit the Department of Central Management Services, Business Enterprise Program (BEP) website to obtain additional details and to learn how to become a certified vendor, if your business meets the following qualifications:
- At least 51% owned and controlled by persons who are minority, women or designated as disabled
- Owned by a United States citizen or resident alien
- Annual gross sales of less than $75 million
Vendor Information
ICC welcomes all companies that are interested in doing business with us and encourages you to complete and submit the following items to be added to our vendor database:
These forms can be emailed, faxed or sent via the post office.
Purchase Order Terms and Conditions
1. CHANGES: No alteration in any of the terms, conditions, delivery, price, quality, quantities, or specifications of this order will be effective without written
consent of the Purchasing Agent.
2. AUTHORIZATION: Illinois Central College will not be responsible for articles delivered and/or services performed for its account without a specific written
purchase order that has been authorized by the Controller.
3. TAXES: Illinois Central College is exempt from Federal Excise and State Sales Taxes and such taxes shall not be included in prices. Exemption Certificates
will be furnished upon request.
4. SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS: Unless otherwise specified, all goods are to be shipped prepaid, FOB Destination. Where specific authorization is granted to
ship goods FOB Shipping Point, Vendor agrees to prepay all shipping charges, route cheapest common carrier, and to bill Purchaser as a separate item on the
invoice for said charges and attach the original or a copy of the freight bill or express receipt to the invoice. It is also agreed that Purchaser reserves the right to
refuse COD Shipments.
5. RISK OF LOSS: Regardless of FOB point, Vendor agrees to bear all risks of loss, injury or destruction of goods and materials ordered herein which occur
prior to delivery; and such loss, injury or destruction shall not release Vendor from any obligation hereunder.
6. PRICES: Purchaser accepts Vendor’s quote or bid prices as recorded on Vendor’s proposal and on this purchase order but reserves the right to cancel the
order if the prices are to be increased prior to the delivery of articles or the completion of services. The price shall not be changed without Purchaser’s prior
written agreement. Unless otherwise provided in this purchase order, the price includes all charges for freight and insurance. No separate changes, except those
clearly recorded on Vendor’s proposal and on this purchase order can, or will be allowed. Vendor represents that the price charged for the goods and services
covered by this purchase order is commercially reasonable and is the lowest price charged by Vendor to buyers similar to Purchaser under conditions similar to
those specified in this purchase order. All prices quoted are in U.S. dollars.
7. INSPECTION, ACCEPTANCE AND PAYMENT: All goods shall be received subject to Purchaser’s right to inspection and rejection. Those rejected as a result
of inspection will be held for Vendor’s inspection at Vendor’s risk and, if Vendor directs, will be returned at Vendor’s expense. Freight to and from original
destination for excess goods except for customary quantity variations recognized by trade practice will be paid by Vendor. Payment for goods on an order prior
to inspection shall not constitute acceptance.
8. IDENTIFICATION: All invoices, packing lists, packages, shipping notices, and other written documents affecting this order shall contain the applicable
purchase order number. Packing lists shall be enclosed in each and every box or package shipped pursuant to this order, indicating the contents therein.
Invoices will not be processed for payment until all items invoiced are received.
9. PATENTS AND COPYRIGHTS: Vendor warrants that there is no violation of patent rights or copyrights in manufacturing, producing, or selling the material or
equipment covered by this order or in the use of such material or shipment by the Purchaser in the usual or intended manner, and Vendor agrees to hold the
Purchaser harmless from any and all liability, loss or expense occasioned by such violation.
10. ARTICLES OR SERVICES: Articles to be delivered and/or services to be performed shall be in accordance with the terms, prices, delivery time,
specifications, and conditions as recorded on Vendor’s proposal and as itemized on this purchase order. No substitutions of articles or change of any nature
shall be made without written authorization from the Purchaser.
11. CASH DISCOUNT: In the event that Purchaser is entitled to a cash discount, the period of computations will commence on the date of delivery, or receipt of
a correctly completed invoice, whichever is later. If an adjustment in payment is necessary due to damage, the cash discount period shall commence on the date
final approval for payment is authorized.
12. LIENS, CLAIMS, AND ENCUMBRANCES: Vendor warrants and represents that all the goods and materials ordered herein are free and clear of all liens,
claims, or encumbrances of any kind.
13. SAVE HARMLESS: Vendor shall protect, indemnify, and save Purchaser harmless from and against any damage, cost or liability for any injuries to persons
or property arising from acts or omissions of Vendor, his employees, agents, or subcontractors, howsoever caused.
14. TERMINATION: In the event of a breach by Vendor of any of the provisions of this contract, Purchaser reserves the right to cancel and terminate this
contract forthwith upon giving oral or written notice to Vendor. Vendor shall be liable for damages suffered by Purchaser resulting from Vendor’s breach of
15. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: Illinois Central College is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and does not
discriminate against any service provider, client, employee, or applicant for employment or services because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin,
ancestry, disability, sexual orientation, or veteran status. In accordance with this policy, we support and encourage minority and female participation in all
aspects of our institution, as well as with those individuals who interact with us.
16. BIDDING: Vendor certifies that it is not barred from bidding on this or any other contract due to any violation of either Section 33E-3 or 33E-4 of Article 33E,
Public Contracts, of the Illinois Criminal Code of 1961, as amended. This certification is required by Public Act 85-1295. This Act relates to interference with
public contracting, bid rigging and rotating, kickbacks and bribery
17. PREVAILING WAGES: Contractors and all subcontractors shall pay to any laborers, workers and mechanics, who are employed in actual construction work
on the site of the construction project, not less than the prevailing rate of wages as determined by the Illinois Department of Labor effective at time of contract
18. BEP: BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PROGRAM: Illinois Central College recognizes the importance of increasing the participation of businesses owned by
minorities, females and persons with disabilities in public contracts. It is the policy of the College to promote the economic development of disadvantaged
business enterprises by setting aspirational goals to award contracts to businesses owned by minorities, females, and persons with disabilities for certain
services, to the extent provided by the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Females and Persons with Disabilities Act (“Act”), 30 ILCS 575/0.01 et seq. and the
Business Enterprise Council for Minorities, Females, and Persons with Disabilities (“Council”) which serves to implement, monitor and enforce the goals of the
19. ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS: This order expressly limits acceptance to the terms and conditions stated herein. All additional or different terms proposed by
vendor are objected to and are hereby rejected unless otherwise provided in writing by the Purchasing Agent. -
Prevailing Wage Rates
Pursuant to 820 ILCS 130/4, public bodies in each County that have active public works projects are responsible for notifying all contractors and subcontractors working on those public works projects of the change (if any) to rates that were previously in effect. The failure of a public body to provide such notice does not relieve contractors or subcontractors of their obligations under the Prevailing Wage Act, including the duty to pay the relevant prevailing wage in effect at the time work subject to the Act is performed.
For more information, visit the Illinois Department of Labor’s website on prevailing wage rates by county.
Surplus Property
College property that is deemed obsolete, unusable or no longer needed by the college will be classified as Surplus.
The ICC Surplus Store is a great place to find used equipment, furniture and other items the college no longer needs. All items are offered for sale on an “as-is” basis with no warranty expressed or implied. New items are posted to the store on Thursday afternoon.
Surplus property will also be offered for sale to the public via GovDeals, an online auction website specializing in liquidation of assets for government agencies.