Purchasing Department

The Purchasing Department manages the expenditures of all college funds to achieve the maximum value per dollar spent. Illinois Central College’s purchasing procedures are consistent with the Illinois Public Community College Act and represent the intentions and goals of its Board of Trustees.

Current Solicitations

APC Symmetra Warranty Renewal Bid

Due: Monday, February 3, 2025 at 3:30 PM CST

Class A Sleeper Tractor Bid

Due: Friday, February 7, 2025 at 9:00 AM CST in CC102

In an effort to improve service and ease of public disclosure, Illinois Central College will be utilizing BidNet Direct’s Illinois Purchasing Group to post solicitation documents. This system will provide you convenient online access to view current, past (beginning 3/1/2020) and awarded bids, RFQ and RFP documents, addendum, and bid specific Q&As. There is no charge to register- simply select the “Limited Access” option and you can view all solicitations and automatically receive matching bid notifications and alerts from ICC. If you need any assistance registering or using the platform, please call BidNet’s Support Team at 800-835-4603

Illinois Central College BidNet

If you are not a BEP-Certified company and plan to submit a proposal or bid on a project, we encourage you to subcontract a portion of the work with a BEP-Certified firm. Use the Utilization Plan to demonstrate mutual participation or Good Faith Effort and/or to request a waiver. BEP Good Faith Efforts Guidance.

All proposals can either be submitted on the College’s BidNet page or emailed to [email protected].
