Executive Leadership
President’s Office
Dr. Sheila Quirk-Bailey
Derrell Carter
Chief of Staff
Vice Presidents & Executive Directors
Bruce Budde
Executive Vice President of Administration and Finance
Dr. Charles Swaim
Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs
Kim Armstrong
Vice President of Marketing and Outreach
Dr. Jon C. Neidy
Vice President of Student Success
Arnitria Shaw
Vice President of Workforce and Diversity
Mike Unes
Vice President of Institutional Advancement
Gabe Gibson
Chief Information Officer
Dr. Kari Schimmel
Associate Vice President of Integrated Programming and Dean of Corporate & Community Education
Dr. Joe Bergman
Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs
David Cook
Executive Director of Institutional Research and Planning
Stephanie Holmes
Executive Director of Educational Foundation
Paula Nachtrieb, Ed.S.
Executive Director Workforce Operations
Julie Taylor
Executive Director Human Resources
Amy Daxenbichler
Dean of Students
Jen Fenner
Dean of Math, Science, and Engineering
Stacy Gehrig
Dean of Curriculum and Scheduling
Dr. Cathryne Kaufman
Dean of Faculty Development and Learning Innovation
Dr. Dana King
Dean of Agricultural and Industrial Technologies
Dr. Mischelle Monagle
Associate Dean of Nursing
Dr. Lonetta Oliver
Dean of Humanities
Dr. Emily Points
Dean of Enrollment Services
Michelle Weghorst
Dean of Business, Legal and Information Systems
Dr. Dale Young
Dean of Arts and Behavioral Sciences