Ericka: From Unhoused to Unstoppable

Only a few short years ago, Ericka found herself living in a homeless shelter for women, with no idea how to move her life forward. All she knew was that she wanted to further her education to expand her options, and she was driven to make a change. She decided to see what ICC had to offer, and that singular decision had a profound impact on the trajectory of her life.
“Now my life is full of success. I want this for you too, and so does this school. You deserve it.”
Ericka, ICC Student
Currently, Ericka is a proud graduate of two Workforce Equity Initiative grant-funded ICC programs: Truck Driver Training and Highway Construction. She is thriving in a long-term, fulfilling career and making an “excellent living wage” with Carpenters Local 237.
She credits her success to many sources, including an ICC admissions representative for pointing her in the direction of programs she could afford, the program coordinators for guiding her through the programs, and her caring instructors for not only imparting their years of knowledge and experience, but also helping her to build character.
Program coordinator Susan Sherwood and instructor Kevin Carter stick out the most to Ericka because they’ve consistently checked in with her even after she graduated from her programs, helping to keep her on track and ensuring she had the resources to succeed.
Going from having no one and being homeless to now having a huge support system and being able to provide for her 5-year-old son has been nothing short of life-changing.
Ericka says she is so grateful for the programs and the opportunities provided to her and others like her. These programs opened up multiple career choices she never knew about, as well as the opportunity for union work.
She now passionately advises anyone needing a positive change in their life to look into the career programs ICC has to offer.