Bodie: Fitness Enthusiast Thrives at ICC

If kinesiology were a perfect fit for anyone, it would be Bodie. With a deep passion for physical activity and the science behind it, he’s the perfect example of a fitness enthusiast.
He intends to transfer and complete his 4-year degree, but he’s not yet certain where he’d like to end up. For now, he’s enjoying life, which includes learning and becoming a better version of himself. ICC, he says, is the perfect place to do that.
I feel like ICC is a great place for students who aren’t entirely sure where they want to go in life yet. They’re especially great at helping students find their niche and discover themselves.
Bodie, ICC Student
Part of improving himself is taking classes outside his wheelhouse, which helps him understand different perspectives. His COMM 212 course with Professor Joe Chianakas had a lasting impact on Bodie. “Joe is a fantastic professor who creates a comfortable and engaging classroom environment, builds confidence in students, and provides constructive feedback for personal improvement,” Bodie says.
Before transferring to the University of Illinois to study kinesiology, Bodie plans to take as many courses as he can at ICC. “ICC is affordable, has a variety of great learning programs, and is full of passionate teachers,” he explains. Bodie appreciates that the instructors are happy to help in any way they can, “especially if you’re willing to put in the work.”
Bodie recommends ICC to everyone he knows because he sees the benefits of starting a formal education even if you don’t know what career you’d like to pursue. He feels ICC gave him a head start, allowing him to explore various programs and find his true calling.