Balancing Act: MJ’s Path to Nursing

When MJ embarked on his college journey, he felt unprepared and lacked a clear direction, which initially led him to drop out of ICC. However, his passion for nursing was ignited when his mother began using a wheelchair, and he, along with his three siblings, stepped up to assist her. For several years, MJ balanced working as a CNA, raising his four children, and earning an associate degree from another institution. This period marked a turning point as he became serious about his future.
MJ, ICC Student
ICC changed my mindset, made me realize anything is possible, and built my confidence. It gave me a sense of hope and helped me grow and mature
Recognizing his potential in nursing, MJ made the courageous decision to return to ICC to pursue his LPN, with plans to complete his RN afterward. He shares, “ICC is local, familiar, and affordable. The schedules are flexible, the classes are small, and I’ve had great professors here.”
Despite the challenge of balancing school, work, and personal life, MJ has thrived by building a strong support system. He credits many ICC staff and faculty, like Nursing Professor Terri Punke, who always approached him on days he didn’t seem like his usual bubbly self and offered a listening ear. Now, MJ dreams of becoming a school nurse, where he believes he can make a significant impact on young lives.
Reflecting on his journey, MJ adds, “ICC is not only accessible for everyone but also helps you figure out what you want to do.” He encourages others to explore the diverse opportunities ICC offers, from quick-start career programs to longer transfer degree programs. With the guidance he received at ICC, MJ has found a way to balance being a dedicated father, a student, and a wedding DJ. He advises those feeling stuck as he once did, “Close your eyes and imagine where you want to be. It’s not about where you are now. It’s about where you want to go.”