Agriculture, Diesel, and Horticulture Showcase

East Peoria Campus, Agriculture & Industrial Technology Building, Lot F and Horticulture Land Lab

Explore in-demand careers in high-tech agriculture, diesel-powered equipment, and horticulture industries at this FREE event. Participate in hands-on activities showcasing the latest innovations and technologies, browse equipment displays from industry partners, and ask employers about careers in their industries. Lunch is provided. Check-in begins at 8:30 am. Spots are limited.

General Studies Visit Day

East Peoria Campus, Edwards Library/Administration

Discover how ICC can help you write your own success story by joining us for a visit. Explore 150+ programs of study, engage with students and faculty, tour campus, learn about scholarships and financial aid, and more. Check-in starts at 8:30.

IT Workforce Accelerator Job Fair

East Peoria Campus, Technology Center, Lobby

Looking for IT work? Local organizations and companies in the IT field will be showcasing their employment opportunities at the IT Workforce Accelerator Job Fair. This event is free and open to students and the public. The job fair is hosted by Career Services and is sponsored by the IT Workforce Accelerator Grant with ICC,... Read more »

General Studies Visit Evening

East Peoria Campus, Edwards Library/Administration

Discover how ICC can help you write your own success story by joining us for a visit. Explore 150+ programs of study, engage with students and faculty, tour campus, learn about scholarships and financial aid, and more. Check-in starts at 4:00.

AIT Visit Day

East Peoria Campus, Agriculture & Industrial Technology Building

Join us to learn about our high-tech programs in Agriculture, Manufacturing, Automotive, Graphic Communications, and more. You will tour the Agricultural & Industrial Technologies (AIT) building, get up close with equipment, step inside production labs, and receive first-hand information from faculty and students. Check-in starts at 8:30. Attendees can park in Lot F.

General Studies Visit Day

East Peoria Campus, Edwards Library/Administration

Discover how ICC can help you write your own success story by joining us for a visit. Explore 150+ programs of study, engage with students and faculty, tour campus, learn about scholarships and financial aid, and more. Check-in starts at 8:30.

Health Careers Visit Day

Peoria Campus, Cedar Hall

Join us to explore over 20 different health careers programs at ICC. You will talk with ICC faculty and students, view state-of-the-art equipment in our facilities, and learn about financial assistance, student life, steps to enroll, campus housing, and more. Check-in starts at 8:30.

General Studies Visit Day

East Peoria Campus, Edwards Library/Administration

Discover how ICC can help you write your own success story by joining us for a visit. Explore 150+ programs of study, engage with students and faculty, tour campus, learn about scholarships and financial aid, and more. Check-in starts at 8:30.

General Studies Visit Day

East Peoria Campus, Edwards Library/Administration

Discover how ICC can help you write your own success story by joining us for a visit. Explore 150+ programs of study, engage with students and faculty, tour campus, learn about scholarships and financial aid, and more. Check-in starts at 8:30.

Culinary Arts Visit Evening

Peoria Campus, Dogwood Hall

Learn how you can write your own success story in Culinary Arts and Restaurant Management. You will tour our state-of-the-art kitchen and classrooms in Dogwood Hall and hear from faculty and students. Check-in starts at 3:30.

General Studies Visit Day

East Peoria Campus, Edwards Library/Administration

Discover how ICC can help you write your own success story by joining us for a visit. Explore 150+ programs of study, engage with students and faculty, tour campus, learn about scholarships and financial aid, and more. Check-in starts at 8:30.