Welcome to Illinois Central College! We look forward to helping you earn the credentials you need for your future. Join us for Rapid Enrollment Days to complete the entire admissions and enrollment process in 2 hours or less.
Sign up for a 1-hour slot between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on one of these days and you can: finish your application; get help with financial aid; meet with an academic advisor to create your academic plan; and register for Fall classes.
Campus tours will also be available to help you familiarize yourself with where your classes will be.
If you need to complete testing for placement into English or math, you can test before your appointment day, or sign up for a later time slot on either day and plan to arrive and test an hour before your Rapid Enrollment appointment.
Please only register for one Rapid Enrollment Day and time slot.
Prospective students should bring high school/college transcripts and ACT/SAT scores (if applicable).
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