Illinois Central College and the Regional Workforce Alliance are pleased to announce the Greater Peoria Essential Abilities and Knowledge (GPEAK) certification system.

Over 85 community members collaborated on this project to develop a regional approach for assessing and validating essential skills needed in the workplace. Employers, community-based organizations, and educational partners in the region can become a GPEAK site and host the certification system.

What is GPEAK?

GPEAK Lead Partners

Illinois Central College Logo
Illinois Community College Board Logo
Greater Peoria Economic Council logo
JFF Logo
Education Systems Center northern Illinois university logo
Peoria CEO Council Logo

GPEAK Competencies and Performance Indicators

At the foundation of the GPEAK system are the Illinois Essential Employability Competencies, and a set of related Performance Indicators defined through extensive input from Peoria-area stakeholders.

Competencies in the GPEAK system are organized under three main headings:

Working with OthersThe Thought ProcessSelf Regulation
Teamwork & Conflict ResolutionProblem SolvingInitiative & Self Drive
Adaptability & FlexibilityDecision MakingReliability & Accountability
Cultural CompetenceCritical ThinkingPlanning & Organizing

GPEAK Core Components

The GPEAK certification system includes three main components:

  1. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS – GPEAK participants will be assigned a mentor and will review the Essential Employability Competencies and the Performance Indicators developed by our regional employers.
  2. CURRICULAR RESOURCES – GPEAK participants receive access to case studies, journal activities, reflection prompts, workshop ideas and mentor moments to help individuals reflect on and develop their employability skills.
  3. CERTIFICATION SYSTEM – GPEAK participants submit pre- and post-assessments and upload evidence to support the attainment of the GPEAK competencies. Validators review the information and award competency badges. Once an individual earns all ten badges, they will be GPEAK certified.


Businesses and organizations wishing to participate in GPEAK should contact [email protected].


Individuals from the following local organizations participated in the development of GPEAK: